Sunday 7 August 2016


Yokohama, Japan - Day 30 - 21 July 2016

Today we had a full day tour booked with "Discover Japan Tours".  Michi was our guide for the day and met us at the dock.  Unfortunately it was raining… not torrential but enough to have to use an umbrella to walk to the  Nichidai-dori train station.  We then trained it to Shibuya in Tokyo…. the trip taking about 45 minutes.  On arrival it was still raining…. ugh…. not that pleasant joshing around the streets dodging heaps of brollies.  The locals use clear plastic umbrellas that they buy at the train station for around $5 and then they ditch them!  Firstly we checked at Shibuya Crossing which is similar to Times Square in New York.  It's a very busy crossing with pedestrians going every which way when the light is green.   There are also lots of brightly lit neon advertising signs.  A hub of colour and activity.

Next stop was to check out the statue of Hachiko (commonly known as Hach) who was a dog who used to go on the train every day to work with his beloved master until one day his master had a heart attack at work and didn't return.  Every day the dog faithfully went to the train station and waited for his master to return…. awwww.  He made lots of new friends at the station and the statue is in his memory.  There is also a movie "Hachi" made about the true story and is in our list of movies available to watch on the ship.  I must try to find time to watch it before we get home!

We then caught another train to the Harajuku area to visit the Meiji Shrine.  We strolled through the park to the shrine which was very beautiful.

Next stop was Takeshita Street where we walked through all the shops geared for the younger generation.  There certainly were some very interesting shops and people to look at and some yummy food that we could not go past without trying.

After a short train ride back to Shibuya we walked to a local restaurant recommended by our guide.  With the help of an english menu which had pictures and Michi's explanations we had a yummy lunch.

After lunch we walked to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building which has a 360 degree viewing area at the top of one of the towers and it was free!  Unfortunately it was still raining but we the visibility was ok plus there was free wifi.

Because the rain was heavier now we did not walk through the skyscraper district which is apparently the biggest nightlife district in Tokyo with lots of neon signs and lights.

We then headed back to Yokohama to end our tour and to say goodbye to Michi.  After leaving Michi we walked to the red brick warehouses where there were lots of little boutique shops to while away the time and yes it was still raining!

Next stop was the supermarket near the port to top up our wine and beer supplies.  The buy of the day was a 700ml bottle of Jim Beam for $12AUS!!  The ship are selling two 1L bottles for $70Aus duty free!!  Mmmmm 

We now have 8 sea days before we arrive in Alaska.  Yippee I LOVE my sea days.  

Next stop Seward, Alaska.

Quick Facts:
Population:  13,296,517 (2014)
Climate: Humid, subtropical
Language: Japanese
Currency: Yen (JPY)

Arriving into Yokohama

The wooden gateway to the Meiji Shrine where the souls of the Emperor Meiji and Shoken are enshrined.

Our guide Michi

The hand painted saki storage containers

Danny cleansing himself before entering the temple

Prayer wishes on wooden plaques

Takeshita Street - popular among teens

A shop where Lady Gaga shops for outfits

These were yummy…. filled with a custard cream!

Fancy shoes!

Shibuya Crossing similar to Times Square in NY

Our lunch at Ootoya restaurent

Metropolitan Govt. Building

Views from the top

More views

Train station in Shinjuku

The red brick warehouses - boutique shops near the dock at Yokohama

Customs and Immigration building, Yokohama

Tiles set into the footpath in Yokohama

Sailaway Yokohama

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